Thank you Paul for taking me to Oregon to visit my Grandma! This was one of the best weekends that we have had in a long time and what better way to spend it then with this long over do visit to see grandma.
Grandma is 88 and it has been about 4 years since the last time we saw her. Her body is aching like a old woman and since Grandma can't make the 8 hour drive to us anymore we made it to her.
Thank you to GG fro staying there an extra we so that we could have some good family time together.
Tre' really attached to Great Grandma and her walker. ha ha ha Great Grandma is so incredibly deaf even with the hearing aids in and trying to get a 2 year old to understand that you have to yell at her to talk is a bit hard but, there was one instance we were sitting in the yard with Great Grandma and Tre' leaned his head on her lap and said, "Grandma, I love being at your house." Grandma sure heard that and Tre' was not yelling, just bring sweet. That little moment made Grandma SO happy.
Twin I am so glad you guys got to go. I cried while looking at all the pictures and reading the funny and wonderful things. What a wonderful experience. I hope to get one like that too!