Sunday, February 7, 2010

We are back!!!!

Hey all we have returned to the blogger world because so many of you have been wondering where we disappeared too. So, the truth is that I got a little freaked out about hackers and decided that at the time the best thing for us to do was be done.
So I am going to be taking this blog private. I know it is a little extra work for some to take the time to long in when all you want to do is take a quick peak but, going private will put me at ease but still allow you all to see what we are up too.
This is a really sad way to start off our blog but this is just what has been happening on our neck of the woods.
Last Tuesday the 26th I lost my Uncle Kenny. oh what a hard time this has been. Do any of you have that one Aunt or Uncle, Grandparent, friend, neighbor, that one person that in your eyes can do NOTHING wrong? That person to me was indeed my Uncle Kenny.He holds a very precious and special place in my heart. Always has and always will. When I got the call from my Dad on Tuesday night it felt like a joke. My Uncle was so full of life. His motto to life was "Go Big or Go Home" and he came nothing short of that. he was very healthy and happy in life. At least to my knowledge.
I left Saturday morning with my family and was in for a real surprise of emotions and roller coaster rides when I got there.
I have only ever experienced funerals with in the LDS faith and so this was a new experience for me to be apart of a funeral of someone so close to me and not be able to grieve. There were so many things going on around me that I was not able to grasp what I was really there for. It felt like more of a celebration that a funeral. I still expected at any moment that he would walk in the door and surprise us all and joke that faking a death was the only way he would ever be able to get his whole family together.
Needless to say that never happened.
I love my Uncle Kenny and am really going to miss him. He was an incredible man who was so selfless and full of love. I am grateful for all the experiences that I was able to have with him and for the close relationship that we shared.
I love you Uncle Kenny!
We did end up having a lot of fun on this trip even though it kinds sucked all at the same time. There were a few trips to the beach, a lot of laughs, a re-uniting with our favorite cousin Little Scotty that was long over due, and one trip to the Mexican border with my dad's new wife (no, we were not dropping her off. We like her. ) It makes for a good joke though. Thank the Lord we got turned around and headed back to the USA.
I hope you enjoy cause I sure did.

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