Sunday, May 9, 2010

Big Boy Potty

We got Tre' a potty this morning just to get him thinking about things. He has been expressing interest when we go potty and has wanted to sit on our potty often to see what it is like but, it is big and it scares him so, we thought that we would bring one into the house and let him know that he can sit on it, talk about it, to it, anything just so that it becomes something that is not scary.
When we got home from the store he brought the box to me and had me get it out. We assembled a few pieces. Off the shorts came, then off with the diaper. To the potty he went. asking questions, making sure what he was doing was an okay thing (especially since we were in the living room.) He sat down and pushed his boy part down and started pushing (we have been teaching him a few things while expressing interest to the big potty. He is smart but did not just think it up himself that boy part needs to go down or else there is pee everywhere.)
I thought that he was just doing what he thought he should cause he was on a potty until, he told me he needed toilet paper. I didn't believe him, I was just impressed that he knew what else you needed to do on the potty. So, I didn't get any. he gotoff the potty and there was a huge terd in the toilet and now poop on my carpet his legs and the bottom of his foot. ha ha ha It was HALERIOUS!!!!! Way to go TRE'!!!!!!
I know, I know don't get my hopes up right. I can hope for the best but I am sure we have got along ways to go. We will get there in do time.

Here is the happy pooper even though he looks constipated........

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