Tuesday, December 27, 2011

A VERY Merry Christmas


these 3 words pretty much sum up the way I feel our Christmas went. How many of you can say that?
We woke up a 8am (that is the latest Christmas morning Paul and I have ever had together) and unwrapped presents. Oh so many presents! Santa Claus broought Tre' lots of legos and I was happy about this. I turned to Paul at one point during the day and said "I love a big boy Christmas!" I like the toys that I feel we are actually able to play with him. The inter action and the actual fun that the parent can have. :)
After presents we had breakfast with family/friends, immediately taking ourselves back to living room for lots of playing and hanging out. Both my parents came to visit and in the early afternoon then we headed to have Christmas with the Asay family. It was great!
We were spoiled rotten by our famililes. Thank you ALL!
The time with the Asay family went by so quickly. I don't know if it is the excitement of everything, the love, the friendships, the compassion everyone shows to each other, maybe all of the above. The spirit and the happiness felt on this day I never want to disappear. I want everyone to feel this love and compassion ALWAYS one to another. I know we are not all perfect and at a certain point we would be wishing someone would be mean and pissed off just to show an emotion other than happiness but for what it is worth I LOVE seeing the love and compassion.
I have to share with you all a very special gift that I got from Paul. It is a homemade gift that melted my heart. He made me a book titled "YOU ARE........" as he goes on writing the book there are many pictures of our little family of all the things we have done together. Each page states something like, You are, the jelly to my peanut butter, the spokes to my wheels, the honey to my bee and so on. I will take pictures of this sweet book so you call all see the beautiful and heart felt gift from my one and only. Check back!
I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and that you have a Happy New Year. We love you all!!!
Here is a peek at the Chritmas a family time we have and continue to enjoy.....

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